воскресенье, 20 октября 2019 г.

Customer service- final product

«Children’s development center»

 Hello, I am Dariya Usynina and I want to open a children’s center, because, first of all, I love children. I think, it is a main reason. This center will include several different directions: singing, dancing, linguistic skills, variations of handmade and art, sport, making films, new technologies (typing on 3D-printer and etc.), cooking and others. It will invite children in age from 7 to 18, also guys of age older will be able to try themselves with some skills, which they will need in their professions.

понедельник, 14 октября 2019 г.

Information steps: 2 module

Consumer society

The last week (28.10.19 - 1.11.19)
At this week Olga Yuryevna flew away to England, and our little group, which consisted of 4-5 people, studied with Anna Alexandrovna. 
There are works, which I've done:

четверг, 3 октября 2019 г.


On this Monday I with my colleagues of TV-companies were performing our Breaking News. I heard all of them, besides Kirill. I am going to analyze all work, which my classmates have been doing during around 1 month.
 Sima: I appreciated her training. She has learnt all the texts and spoke on the lesson, almost not looking at the sheet of paper. Also she did an exciting presentation, my favorite slide is about Aron and his trapped arm, Sima took a real photo even with a blood.
Vasilisa: I think, that Vasya did a good work. I think, that she needs a practice in grammar. I liked her visualization, as opposed to she said to us.
Alice: Alice did a plan for talking, as opposed to us, all of us were talking with a while text. In spite of this, Alice spoke almost without hesitation. I think, she needs to practice a grammar, as Vasya.
Dasha: I liked that she was speaking some main facts without “water”.
Also I want to analyze my mistakes. Firstly, I could learn final retelling better, without peeping at paper. An the second is that , I forgot about leg moving, when Olga Yuryevna waited them from me.

Final product (Module 5)

a Google Site