понедельник, 9 марта 2020 г.

Picture discription

I think, that we should start talking and discription of this pictire. Maybe this picture is about life-long learning, but if you don't peer, you'll constantly see some office.
Firstly, I would prefer to have a talk about people, who are on picture. I think, there are potential and motivated people with inner strenght , who want to be discipline and smart tutors, coaches or principles, which are use teaching resourses, in their future. Secondly, there is a lot of things, which are directly related with the topic under discussion. Every person on picture is learning. But they are doing that in different areas. For example, some of them are training the negotiation skills, people at the center of picture are training their mental strenght and humility, listening the virtual lectures. Someone is developing his science skills, doing the hands-on method on the microscope, maybe he wants to be self-taught inventor. People, who depict closest to us, are training planing skills, they are doing some scribbles in a crash course. Thirdly, this converted process is in the someone head, who has an aim and challenging himself to achieve it, I think, this person would like to be a businessmen or some tutor or coach. This action happened, when this person effectively think about his futute, how he will build the foundation for his business and is it worth it. Also person should overthink about approach, which he need to find for business. Theese are happen, because person is in a creative crisis, and he doesn't know how he should to build his character to have an access to succesess!

Final product (Module 5)

a Google Site