среда, 18 марта 2020 г.
среда, 11 марта 2020 г.
понедельник, 9 марта 2020 г.
Picture discription
I think, that we should start talking and discription of this pictire. Maybe this picture is about life-long learning, but if you don't peer, you'll constantly see some office.
Firstly, I would prefer to have a talk about people, who are on picture. I think, there are potential and motivated people with inner strenght , who want to be discipline and smart tutors, coaches or principles, which are use teaching resourses, in their future. Secondly, there is a lot of things, which are directly related with the topic under discussion. Every person on picture is learning. But they are doing that in different areas. For example, some of them are training the negotiation skills, people at the center of picture are training their mental strenght and humility, listening the virtual lectures. Someone is developing his science skills, doing the hands-on method on the microscope, maybe he wants to be self-taught inventor. People, who depict closest to us, are training planing skills, they are doing some scribbles in a crash course. Thirdly, this converted process is in the someone head, who has an aim and challenging himself to achieve it, I think, this person would like to be a businessmen or some tutor or coach. This action happened, when this person effectively think about his futute, how he will build the foundation for his business and is it worth it. Also person should overthink about approach, which he need to find for business. Theese are happen, because person is in a creative crisis, and he doesn't know how he should to build his character to have an access to succesess!
суббота, 29 февраля 2020 г.
Life long learning as a business startup
Each of us who wants to start a business doubts whether it will work out, whether there is enough inner strength to achieve the aim. And, when everything does not go as it would be prefer, then hands themselves drop and disappear the desire to continue the work.
Despite this, many successful people, when they started their activities, suffered great failures. But they found the strength to raise their heads and move on.
Marilyn Monroe spent a long time wandering around foster families and boarding schools.
In 1948, she renegotiated a contract with Columbia Pictures. But, due to this film, she still didn't has access to success and fame. As the staff of this studio said, she did not possess either acting talent or beauty. However, Monroe did not give up her dream and continued to act in separate episodic roles, until she got the opportunity to play a major role. After that, her career began to skyrocket.
Michael Jordan in youth was expelled from the school team, and then in college they refused to accept the basketball team, due to his height. However, the athlete did not give up and continued to train, until he still achieved what he wanted.
As he himself later said that he missed more than nine thousand hits in my career. He lost almost 300 games. 26 times they trusted him to make a winning throw, and Michael missed. He have failed in his life after failure. And that’s why he succeeded.
Stephen King - is the shinig example of mystics and horror movies. Now it is very difficult to believe that his first book, “Carrie,” the publishers refused to publish thirty times. The last, thirtieth refusal overflowed Stephen King's cup of patience.
He simply threw his manuscript into the bin, but she fell into the hands of his motivated wife, who still persuaded her husband not to despair and not give up. After that, Stephen King decided to try his luck again and sent this manuscript to another publisher. This time, the editor liked the manuscript and gained great success, and at the same time a successful career began as a great and world-famous writer, whose books doesn't burn into a memory.
Prior to universal acclaim, Joe Rowling was a divorced single mother living on social benefits and suffering from clinical depression. She said that she was as poor as possible in modern Britain, without being homeless.
When the first Harry novel was completed, Rowling could not publish it for a year - 12 publishers rejected the manuscript. However, today Harry Potter is a real phenomenon, and Joan Rowling is one of the richest writers on the planet.
Despite this, many successful people, when they started their activities, suffered great failures. But they found the strength to raise their heads and move on.
Marilyn Monroe spent a long time wandering around foster families and boarding schools.
In 1948, she renegotiated a contract with Columbia Pictures. But, due to this film, she still didn't has access to success and fame. As the staff of this studio said, she did not possess either acting talent or beauty. However, Monroe did not give up her dream and continued to act in separate episodic roles, until she got the opportunity to play a major role. After that, her career began to skyrocket.
Michael Jordan in youth was expelled from the school team, and then in college they refused to accept the basketball team, due to his height. However, the athlete did not give up and continued to train, until he still achieved what he wanted.
As he himself later said that he missed more than nine thousand hits in my career. He lost almost 300 games. 26 times they trusted him to make a winning throw, and Michael missed. He have failed in his life after failure. And that’s why he succeeded.
Stephen King - is the shinig example of mystics and horror movies. Now it is very difficult to believe that his first book, “Carrie,” the publishers refused to publish thirty times. The last, thirtieth refusal overflowed Stephen King's cup of patience.
He simply threw his manuscript into the bin, but she fell into the hands of his motivated wife, who still persuaded her husband not to despair and not give up. After that, Stephen King decided to try his luck again and sent this manuscript to another publisher. This time, the editor liked the manuscript and gained great success, and at the same time a successful career began as a great and world-famous writer, whose books doesn't burn into a memory.
Prior to universal acclaim, Joe Rowling was a divorced single mother living on social benefits and suffering from clinical depression. She said that she was as poor as possible in modern Britain, without being homeless.
When the first Harry novel was completed, Rowling could not publish it for a year - 12 publishers rejected the manuscript. However, today Harry Potter is a real phenomenon, and Joan Rowling is one of the richest writers on the planet.
The path to success and glory for Walt Disney was very thorny. At first, his idea with Mickey Mouse was rejected by MGM. As the staff of this studio believed: a mouse on the screen would not have liked a female audience, and “Three Little Pigs” was very commonplace and contained only four characters. But, despite this refusal, Walt Disney continued to work, thanks to this, the studio he created became the leading cartoon production studio, which remains to this day.
I always gasp in amazement, when I see this people. I think, that each of us should learn from people, which I mentioned higher, if you want to achieve the same heights. So, for that we must to have a mental strength and to build our character.
пятница, 21 февраля 2020 г.
четверг, 20 февраля 2020 г.
понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.
Final project: mystery BOOk

понедельник, 3 февраля 2020 г.
Picture description
There is the weird house with doubtful and eerie history.
On day, when the human settlement of this house did their things, rang out some mighty majestic screech accompanied a blast. People thought that it was a comet or an asteroid. People released after torture, that it was saucer from the heavens. Because eye-witnesses said, that they have some hard evidence: they see the oval-shaped footprints on the eerie graveyard on the back of house and some wreckage. But some witnesses said, that it was an aircraft which flew to the army base.
People who live in this house are so unsuccessful, because it stands near the virtually unknown forest. And since prehistoric times there are screech from the forest and some scratches on the trees. Native tribes approve, that it is a BigFoot, the frightening secretive legendary beast. In my opinion, this house needs a stand guard.
Also we can see phantoms around the house, people always feel their presence. It’s believed, that ghosts are beheaded soldiers after execution, which came from the graveyard. People also always hear phantom’s clog dances. And ghosts drove people mad because of irritating sounds of their games 10 years ago.
Since then this house is empty, only rattlesnakes crawls here.
Since then this house is empty, only rattlesnakes crawls here.
среда, 29 января 2020 г.
My knowledge
Throughout the school year I was studying and learning with the Student Book. Now we've finished 3 modules out of 6 and we are on 4th module. I am ready to say, what I know, I can share and I can teach. Also I am able to say why I can do it.
I prefer to start with the first module. Let's talk about texts. I know all the texts, but I can share the text about Strange Weather. I can teach only 3 of texts from module: In the Heat of the moment, Trapped, Yuri Gagarin. The reason may be in my classmates' sharing, I mean only 2 of them provided their texts better, one of texts was mine. I don't know well Hurricane Katrina and The day the Earth moved, because it is hard to remember some dates and important incidents. Grammar was too light to learn it, I may even say, that this grammar was from past grades, like Pr.S, P. C. and others.
The next will be second module. I think that the second module passed me by, because I can't teach some texts, like Tomorrow's World, Made in USA, Moscow's Flea Market and Exposed, because this module was bad for my understanding, I think, the Consumer Society is not for me. What's about grammar? I should say, that I know all the rules about future, for example, F.P., F.P.C and comp./superl. But I didn't learn well -ing form and infinitive, because this rules have lots of conditions, which I can't remember.
The third module we studied recently. I don't know well 4 texts: Glastonbury Festival, about deforestation, Space Colonization and Swimming with sharks, because we didn't discuss them in a class well, I understand, that I was able to read them at home, it's my blame. I am glad to talk about grammar, because here appear more difficult rules, like conditionals and modals. But I should say, but some limp, like wishes and mixed conditionals, I always confused.
I think, that all of this texts I am able to learn, just sorting it out. And may be I will teach some people, for example, my children in future.
I prefer to start with the first module. Let's talk about texts. I know all the texts, but I can share the text about Strange Weather. I can teach only 3 of texts from module: In the Heat of the moment, Trapped, Yuri Gagarin. The reason may be in my classmates' sharing, I mean only 2 of them provided their texts better, one of texts was mine. I don't know well Hurricane Katrina and The day the Earth moved, because it is hard to remember some dates and important incidents. Grammar was too light to learn it, I may even say, that this grammar was from past grades, like Pr.S, P. C. and others.
The next will be second module. I think that the second module passed me by, because I can't teach some texts, like Tomorrow's World, Made in USA, Moscow's Flea Market and Exposed, because this module was bad for my understanding, I think, the Consumer Society is not for me. What's about grammar? I should say, that I know all the rules about future, for example, F.P., F.P.C and comp./superl. But I didn't learn well -ing form and infinitive, because this rules have lots of conditions, which I can't remember.
The third module we studied recently. I don't know well 4 texts: Glastonbury Festival, about deforestation, Space Colonization and Swimming with sharks, because we didn't discuss them in a class well, I understand, that I was able to read them at home, it's my blame. I am glad to talk about grammar, because here appear more difficult rules, like conditionals and modals. But I should say, but some limp, like wishes and mixed conditionals, I always confused.
I think, that all of this texts I am able to learn, just sorting it out. And may be I will teach some people, for example, my children in future.
пятница, 17 января 2020 г.
Digital footprints: 4-5 module
Ninth week(9.03-13.03)
Eight week(2.03-6.03)
Sixth week(17.02-21.02)
Fourth week and fith week

Third week

Second week
(20.01- 24.01)
Today we had debates about BOOKS or MOVIES.
First week
(13.01.20 - 17.01.20)
I've written picture discription with new words.
I've created one more page for Countruy Study
Eight week(2.03-6.03)
I've created a new page for Country Study
I've learnt words from texts of module.
I've created + and - of life-long learning.
Sixth week(17.02-21.02)
I’ve written an essay.
I have created a Fishbone for grammar of 5th module.
I have done a crossword for module 5a.
Fourth week and fith week
I connected 2 weeks, because I was at an international conference and I couldn't do nothing due to congestion.
I've done some slides for the Country Study.
I've finished my final product.
I was execrcising with Worrkbook with 4th module.

I've written an essay about ecological situation in Russia.
I've done 1 more topic of Country Study.
We have started new 5th module, I have already done new words from this module.
I am practising in Quizlet with words from 5th module.
Third week
On Monday we wrote a letter and exercised at reading.
On Tuesday I sicked, but with using my Online Lesson, I did some exercises at home.
Also I solved a quest.
I have created a poster about my knowledge and wrote a text.
For the end I did a slide for Country Study.
Second week
(20.01- 24.01)
This week was consist of 3 days of “Intensive”, but I managed to study.
I’ve written a letter and done reading.
Today we had debates about BOOKS or MOVIES.
First week
(13.01.20 - 17.01.20)
We started a new module about mystic. I have been sick, but I was creating a new format of final product for the Country Study.

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1. Сначала, я вспомнила все времена и проговорила их.(Pr.S/Pr.C/P.S) 2. Придумала имена всем людям(Jane, Sam, Judy и другие) и посмотрела...
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