среда, 29 ноября 2017 г.
суббота, 25 ноября 2017 г.
Final topic: 3 module
There was a many famous person in the past, which did a lot for us, for example: George Washington, Neil Armstrong, Thomas Edison and ect. And now I want to tell you about them.
Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1452. He was engineer, and working with machines for war, and maked big bridge and canal system for Florence. Also Leonardo Da Vinci was scientist, he studied plants, animals and the human body. He sketch Vitruvian Man shows.
Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1452. He was engineer, and working with machines for war, and maked big bridge and canal system for Florence. Also Leonardo Da Vinci was scientist, he studied plants, animals and the human body. He sketch Vitruvian Man shows.
In a young man, da Vinci studied painting in Florence. Da Vincis notebooks contain detailed sketches for a whole range of inventions which were centuries ahead of their time.
These include a sort of helicopter, flying machines, a calculator, a parachute.
With today's technology and materials many of da Vinci's designs could work very well.
Two of his paintings, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are among the most famous paintings of all time!
A star attraction at the Louvre Museum. Steal the Mona Lisa caused an international scandal. Official photographer was shooting pictures of the painting. There were conflicting rumours in the newspapers.
On one Monday morning, an Italian man called Vincenzo Peruggia stoled the picture. The guard was very bad, they leaving post for a few minutes. But after 2 years police caught Peruggia, and The Moma Liza was returned to the Luvre.
Also I want to tell you about Frida Kahlo.
She was very popular famale artist. She was in a bus acident, after she started paint. Frida had her own, little bit crazy style. Her first exhibition was in New York. She hut Diego Rivera, and soon married.
Another interesting person is Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus was weaver. Columbus decided to try to sail west to find a new trade route. Queen Isabella of Spain give him 3 ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. This way, he wanted to find a way import gold. Columbus list Santa Maria in terrible storm. When Columbus was in India, he called the people Indians!
Also there was many another traveler. Once upon a time 100 people sailed to america . If they went to that land, they called that a '' New World' . And they started to live in new town'' Plymoth" . At first life wasn't easy . But first harvestwas wery big and they give thanks to sky . For this moment pilgrims started a new tradition - ''THANKSGIVING''
In Russia, too, it did not do without travelers:
Kruzenshtern was born in Hagudi in Estonia in 19th November 1770. 2. In 1787 he joined the Russia Imperial Navy. Ivan wanted to establish direct communication between Russia and China. The leader of the expedition was Nikolaj Rezanov. The purpose of the voyage was to establish trade with China and Japan. After expedition he created maps and drawings.
Another interesting person is Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus was weaver. Columbus decided to try to sail west to find a new trade route. Queen Isabella of Spain give him 3 ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. This way, he wanted to find a way import gold. Columbus list Santa Maria in terrible storm. When Columbus was in India, he called the people Indians!
Also there was many another traveler. Once upon a time 100 people sailed to america . If they went to that land, they called that a '' New World' . And they started to live in new town'' Plymoth" . At first life wasn't easy . But first harvestwas wery big and they give thanks to sky . For this moment pilgrims started a new tradition - ''THANKSGIVING''
In Russia, too, it did not do without travelers:
Kruzenshtern was born in Hagudi in Estonia in 19th November 1770. 2. In 1787 he joined the Russia Imperial Navy. Ivan wanted to establish direct communication between Russia and China. The leader of the expedition was Nikolaj Rezanov. The purpose of the voyage was to establish trade with China and Japan. After expedition he created maps and drawings.
I think, there was a lot of myths about fairy-tale characters, in which believed. For example: Lara the mermaid.
In Brazil, tell the myth of a mermaid who lives in the Amazon river.
One night a man was dreaming about a mermaid Lara , she was singing a sad song.
In the morning a man with his father went fishing and met a mermaid. She put the husband on the bottom.
After that his father did not see him.
I think, that all people need remember and respect famous person, who live in the past. And must believe in magic creatures, like me!!!
P.S I believe in unicorns!!!
среда, 22 ноября 2017 г.
Grammar Story
Жила-была маленькая беззаботная гусеничка. И звали её Фьюти. Она была очень короткой , по сравнению с её друзьями-насекомыми. У неё была голова "Noun", тело "V2", и хвост "ED" Также гусеничка очень любила играть со своими друзьями в прятки. Но Фьюти постоянно долго искали. И из-за этого она расстраивалась и плакала.

Фьюти подросла, стала умнее, взрослее и длиннее. Фьюти была самой большой из своей компании. Ее голова по прежнему называлась "Noun", но тело теперь называлось "Will", а хвост "V1". Теперь Фьюти могла всем помогать: например, достать что-то с верхней полки. Одни словом Фьюти теперь была счастлива!

Фьюти подросла, стала умнее, взрослее и длиннее. Фьюти была самой большой из своей компании. Ее голова по прежнему называлась "Noun", но тело теперь называлось "Will", а хвост "V1". Теперь Фьюти могла всем помогать: например, достать что-то с верхней полки. Одни словом Фьюти теперь была счастлива!
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